Terms and Conditions

General terms and conditions of Arrigos.cz


Owner: Václav Melč, Nová Ves 8, 35134 Skalná, IČO 74406212 (Company Registration Number), phone number 00420608317925
You can also find current information on our facebook page here.



Always order our goods via our e-shop (conditionally, orders can be done via e-mail. You do not have to register on our website to order via e-shop – just enter your contact information. Recommendation: during registration use your e-mail address as a name.
Enter your post address exactly, including town district, street number, ZIP code and telephone contact.

If you choose a bank transfer as payment and you pay using a money order, you have to inform us in parallel. Your payment will not automatically pair up with our system and will be indicated as incomplete.

Only the goods specified in the buy agreement (order) are an object of the contract. Dimensions, mass, power, capacity and other details stated on our website are not binding. In many cases the production is piece-wise, which can vary from goods on photographies or from stated dimensions. Of course, in case of considerable irregularities we will contact you in advance.

We commit to only deliver goods of best quality and according to specifications or properties usual for a given type of product, as well as compliant with the standards and regulations valid in the Czech Republic. Whenever needed, manuals in Czech and English are provided together with our products.
Providing all required items in the online ordering form is a requirement for concluding a valid order. A purchase contract arises from sending an online order under the accepted conditions. To conclude a purchase contract, formal confirmation of the order by the buyer is required.

Individually, specifically in case of more expensive orders or custom-tailored products, to conclude a contract the seller reserves the right to require order confirmation in person or by telephone together with a deposit payment up to the value of the order. This deposit is non-refundable, if the buyer withdraws from the contract.

In some cases currency exchange rates change considerably while fulfilling an order or our suppliers change the availability or prices of supplied materials. In these cases our company reserves the right to withdraw from the contract mutually or unilaterally, effective immediately. Our company reserves the same right in case of sudden significant changes in our subcontractors’ terms or range of goods.

In the case of an incorrectly filled order (pertaining specific products, such as leather sold by length), any concerned item is automatically updated according to the rules and description of the product.



Goods made of natural materials have specific rules relating to availability or quality. Laws of nature cannot be denied and specifics of such materials must be respected, as well as the fact that goods made of these materials are exclusively hand-made – for example, horn (surface gloss, scratches, fuses or subsurface bubbles); feather (strength, shape of the quill) etc. In case of the customer’s dissatisfaction we pledge to refund the customer’s money, but these naturally occuring ‘imperfections’ of materials are not an actual fault.

For some goods that are made of (mostly) natural materials it is possible to choose certain preferential properties: size, color, shape etc.

  • All specifications are tentative and all goods are delivered according to the current inventory.
  • Material specification surcharge is not connected to the actual goods but to the time spent searching for a suitable item. In case several specifications are made, the first one is given the top priority, then the second and so on.
  • If you insist on specific properties, i.e. we cannot take it tentatively, state this fact in an order note before sending the order. In this case we reserve the right to withdraw from the contract.



  • Any correctly sent order is automatically accepted and a bot will send you an e-mail with the order details. If you do not receive such e-mail, most probably your order was not accepted correctly. In this case, resend the order or contact us.
  • An order can be cancelled anytime before 12 hours pass since it was accepted. You can do so without giving any reason by a telephone call or by sending us an e-mail.
  • Of course, in case of ambiguity we will contact you.



Delivery time can vary from 1 week to 2 months. In case an order item is not currently available, we are able to finish the items in a period between 4 and 12 weeks. It is our priority to always have a sufficient amount of goods available and to deliver you full order as quickly as possible. The actual delivery time can depend on the current postal service situation.

All orders must be paid in advance either by a bank transfer or by Paypal.

We use Czech Post and DPD for goods deliveries, while you are given the option to choose your delivery and payment methods as you fill your order.

